Posted by Brent Jeffrey on April 19, 1998 at 14:06:35:
I am a presently in my fourth year of fish and wildife related studies. I am a Canadian who has studied throughout Canada including Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. I have plenty of experience working with large domestic/non-domestic wildife species. I have worked at various wildlife parks throughout NoVa Scotia. I also have two diplomas, one in forestry , and one diploma (which will be recieved next week)in Renewable Resource Management Technology.(fish and wildlife management) Along with these prominent diplomas in the field of natural resources, I also maintain certificates in fire supression, marine emergency duties A1, first aid, police enforcement training, Fire arms aqcuisition(FAC), Hunter safety, and full certication in chain saw maintenance and useage, spacing saws, and forest machinery. It has been a life long dream to work at various safaris and national parks throughout Africa. My experience makes me quite flexible in what I can do. Anywhere from enforcement to tour guiding) My mid-term report was on the "Great Migrations" on the Saranghetti desert, so my knowlege in Africa's wildife inhabitants is quite diverse. If at all possible, could you please get in contact with me as soon as possible so I can determine my job status. I can be reached at 902-436-1932 until this Friday April 19/98, after this date I can be reached at 902-443-4290.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration,
Brent Jeffrey